Deploying a Laravel application to Digitalocean

Deploying a Laravel application to Digitalocean


Deploying a Laravel application to DigitalOcean is an easy and straightforward process. There are several steps involved, but with the right tools and knowledge, anyone can deploy a Laravel application to DigitalOcean in no time. In this article, we will walk through the steps necessary to successfully deploy a Laravel application to DigitalOcean.

Step 1: Create a Droplet

The first step in deploying a Laravel application to DigitalOcean is to create a Droplet. A Droplet is a virtual machine that will host your application. To create a Droplet, log in to your DigitalOcean account and click on the ‘Create’ button. Select the ‘Droplets’ option, then select the operating system and size of your Droplet.

Step 2: Install the Required Software

Once your Droplet has been created, you will need to install the required software in order to run your Laravel application. This includes the Apache web server, PHP, MySQL, and other necessary software packages. You can install these packages using the command line, or you can use a pre-configured script such as ‘Laravel Forge’.

Step 3: Configure Your Database

The next step is to configure your database. You can do this by creating a new database in your Droplet’s MySQL server and setting up the appropriate permissions. You can then import your database backup into the newly created database.

Step 4: Upload Your Application

Once your database is configured, you can upload your application to your Droplet. You can use FTP, SFTP, or any other file transfer protocol to upload your files.

Step 5: Configure Your Web Server

Finally, you need to configure your web server. You can do this by creating a new virtual host and setting up the appropriate permissions. You can then set up your domain name and point it to your Droplet.


Deploying a Laravel application to DigitalOcean is an easy and straightforward process. All you need to do is create a Droplet, install the required software, configure your database, upload your application, and configure your web server. With the right tools and knowledge, anyone can deploy a Laravel application to DigitalOcean in no time.